My Writings

I adore writing. I have been writing on and off for years, and here you can see some snippets of my writings from diffrent fanfics. I will put the full fics if the drabbles do have full fics but some might not or be works in progress.

The Beautiful Taste of Infatuation

segment from my Spooky Month Fanfiction about my OC Jordin, and how him joining the cult leads him to learn and accept the darkest parts of himself.

How the fuck did he get himself into this mess? That was a rhetorical question because Jordin knew the answer very well, it was his own damn doing. However, It was all necessary. He witnessed it, The Eyes of the Universe. He was blessed to become one of Penitent ones, he was born anew and can now live an eternal life of bliss… But, what does that mean exactly?

Jordin couldn’t help himself but ponder, he knew it was literal to an extent, but the mention of eternal “bliss” is what always caught him up. His life was almost the exact same, spending the late hours of the night exploring the web. getting too invested in the usual forum flame wars as he wasted away in his too small apartment. Only now he has a reason to leave his apartment, especially when it was on direct request of his fellow penitent ones. Which is exactly why Jordin was now hiding in an alley in his red robes and hood.

I am unsure if I will make this fic fully public due to it being from the pov of a guy realizing he finds catharsis in murder and also falls in love with Bob Velseb. It would be a dark story and need a few content warnings but again I am unsure if I will ever make it public. i am having fun writing it though. Jordin is a fucked up guy and getting into his head is interesting.

The Stars Are Projectors

A segment from my Inanimate Insanity Fanfiction about an AU where some of the meeple charatcers reunite.

3GS has had better times landing ships, he was just glad to make it out in one piece. The same couldn’t be said about the ship however. It was completely wrecked, and was creating a billowing cloud of smoke. There was definitely no chance of him being able to fly it again. This wasn’t good. 3GS had no exact idea where he was, and he no longer had a form of transportation.

With his screen being the only source of light, he began to stumble through the dark forest. As he walked many images flashed through 3GS’ mind at once, images of when he was on that other planet, images of him with his comrades, and the most upsetting, images of his creator. The moment he remembered his creator, memories of the night he was first trapped in that closet started to flood his mind, his breathing became sporadic. How he slammed his fists and wailed to be let out, to him slowly giving up hope, to his last memories before he woke up not a few hours earlier. It was so much at once to think about.

He leaned against one of the trees and slid down. Was leaving a bad idea? Was he going to be lost in this forest forever? Did he just trade one inescapable prison for another? He hated how pathetic he felt. Here he was, having a panic attack while curled up next to a tree. This was the first thing he did after he got out? 3GS really didn’t know what to do now. He just kne it was inevitable that his creator would find him and trap him again if not worse. His thoughts spiraled until a bright light blinded him. 3GS brought his arm up to try to protect his eyes, and try to see the source of the light.

Suitcase froze in place as the flashlight she had placed in her handle shined on the distressed device. She recognized him, he was in that strange vision she saw during the cave challenge back when she was on season two. She had no idea how to process seeing him right in front of her. All she could do was just stare. “Did you find anything Suitca- Oh my god.” Baseball interrupted himself when he saw 3GS. He then quickly turned around and called out to the others. “Guys! We’re going to need some help over here!”

This fic is techically on hold due to having fluxuating motivation to write it but I am still writing little by little with it.

Read the full fic here

Read Receipts With No Replying

A segment from my Inanimate Insanity Fanfiction about how after Mepod Nano gets a major injury, them and Mephone stay at Hotel Oj for a bit, using the time to also get to closer to the past contestants.. Although Mepod Nano starts to remember things she hadn’t before…

The small objects sat on the floor in the Cherries room, somehow Trophy losing along the way. “That was crazy!” Mepod exclaimed. “I know right! I don’t normally pull pranks like that anymore, but I wanted to make an exception for my new buddy!” The two had a small laugh together before the room grew quiet. “So.. Now what do we do?” The chase through the hotel did tire Mepod, but they still wanted to hang out with their friend some more.

“Oh I know!” The Cherries then went over to their bed and pulled something from under. It was a big cardboard box, with the word ‘Masks’ sloppily written on it with permanent marker. The cherries dragged the box to where Mepod was sitting before taking their seat right back on the floor. Mepod looked inside and, of course, it was full of masks made to look like all the past contestants. “I made these all by myself!” The Cherries boasted as they then rummaged through the box until they pulled out a mask of Paintbrush but with their bristles replaced with fire and an overly exaggerated angry face. “Grrr! I’m so angry, I’m going to commit arson, grr!!” the Cherries said while doing their best impression of Paintbrush.

Mepod giggled then looked in the box for a mask of their own. They pulled out one of the object that was chasing them around not long ago. “Hi I'm Trophy, and uh..” Mepod said in a poor attempt at an impression. They admittedly didn't know too much about Trophy and had to take a moment to tg of anything they knew about Trophy. “Sports..???” Mepod’s voice squeaked out. The three looked at each other for a moment then bursted into laughter. “Haha! Spot on! That was perfect!” Cherries said between laughs. Mepod started to rummage through the box to find another mask to maybe try a better impression with, until Mepod saw one that caught their eye. It was a rectangular shape with a smaller red rectangle and scribbled on Sunglasses and a squiggly frown. Mepod couldn't help but stop and stare at it for a little. “Who's this mask based on?” Mepod said as they pulled the mask out of the box. “Oh! I forgot I made a mask of that 4S guy.” Mepod looked at the Cherries in confusion. “Huh?”

“You know, Mephone4S? He was on season one right?” Was he? Mephone had told Mepod about season one many times but she has never heard of this Mephone4S. Why didn’t Mephone tell her about him, and How come the Cherries knew about him but not Mepod.? There was a long awkward silence while Mepod stared at the mask. “Hey, can I borrow this mask for a while?” Mepod finally spoke up. “Oh! Sure thing!” The Cherries gave a warm smile. Mepod smiled back before staring at the mask again, feeling a strange sense of déjà vu. There was a sudden knocking. “Don’t think you two got off scott free.” Papers voice was stern from behind the room door. The two objects looked at eachother, knowing they had to face the music.

This fic is also techically on hold due to having fluxuating motivation to write it but I am still writing little by little with it.

Read the full fic here